This website is for members and friends of St. Thomas Lutheran Church in Bloomington, Indiana. Are you a new-ish Lutheran? Do you love St. Thomas, but are confused by the “Evangelical Lutheran” part of our name? Are you a life-long Lutheran but the last time you thought about what it means to be a Lutheran was when you memorized Luther’s Small Catechism for confirmation? Did your eyes just glaze over with that last question? Are you hoping to connect with more people at St. Thomas? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this site is for you.
Use the pages in the menu at the top navigate through four playlists about Lutheranism and the Christian Life. Each page is divided into four categories inspired by Dan Erlander's Baptized, We Live. Erlander argues that Lutheranism is a way of seeing, hearing, teaching, and following. Take your time with the materials, and feel free to skip what doesn't interest you. Each playlist include a podcast. You can hear the introduction to the podcast here or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts. Use the comment section of each page to ask questions and participate in discussion about the topics. Join us on Tuesdays, May 11 and 25, 2021 at 7:30pm for a lively discussion on Zoom about what you've learned or what lingering questions you have. For these pages, I draw deeply on the work of Dan Erlander, especially in his book Baptized, We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life and Tales of the Pointless People, both of which are available from Augsburg Fortress, the publishing house affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Many years ago, I received an advance outline of what would become Lutheran Trump Cards: Playing our best hand in the 21st Century by its author, Dave Daubert of Day8 Strategies, which also features prominently in the creation of this work. Finally, as I write this introduction, this resource is a work in progress. Check back throughout the month of May 2021 to see what is new. My greatest desire is to create a helpful resource, so please use the comment below to pose any burning questions you have about St. Thomas, Evangelical Lutheranism, or theology in general, post them to the comments below!